Instrument panel and gauges.

Instrument panel and gauges.

Time to deal with the instruments. I wanted a minimal setup so Tachometer, Speedo, Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp and Fuel level was all that was needed. First layout was done in Solidworks. Testing the shape in the car. The tacho and speedo was custom ordered from ETB Instruments in the UK. The smaller gauges are...

Porsche 914 2.3 1974 till salu.

Porsche 914 2.3 1974 till salu.

Bakgrund: Bilen är en 1974 års Porsche 914 2.0 (90/95 hk) som såldes ny i San Jose, Kalifornien. Orginalmätare stod på ca 86000 miles så runt 14000 mil. Om det stämmer eller inte vet jag inte men för mig spelar det ingen roll eftersom allt på bilen är renoverat, utbytt eller uppgraderat. Vägmätaren är såklart...

The 914 is for sale.

The 914 is for sale.

I have decided to find a new caretaker for my Porsche 914. In this post I will try to describe it as accuratly as possible. The asking price is set at 350 000 swedish crowns or for international buyers around 35.000 € depending on the exchange rate. Inital contact via PM on facebook or 914world...