Re-assembly, rolling chassi before X-mas?

Re-assembly, rolling chassi before X-mas?

I’ve started to put the car back together again, lots of parts have been ordered from both Europe and USA. First on was the front crossmember with the steering rack, the steering rack has been moved up with spacers to counter bumpsteer. Left A-arm with the Polybronze bushings from Elephant racing. When I was mounting...

Mixed stuff

Mixed stuff

So the summer vacation of 2014 is nearing its end but its been a lovely summer so going back to work still feels ok. Got all the hood hinges mediablasted and primered. ..and painted. Headlight lids were scraped, had 2-3 layers of paint and primer on them, then mediablasted and primered. Picked up two 15×8″...

Little works of art

Little works of art

I got a package from the US containing the new bushings for the front and rear suspension. They are Polybronze bushings from Elephant Racing and they are absolutely beautiful. The front and rear suspension arms are all cleaned up and ready to go out for mediablasting and powdercoat.