New shoes!

New shoes!

Since I will be converting the car to Porsche 5 bolt pattern I needed new wheels. Ideally I’d want a nice set of 16×7″ Fuchs but with prices for a used set in need of some overhaul starting around €1000 I went for the second choice of ATS Cookiecutters in 15×7″ size.

Body back and in work…

Body back and in work…

I got the body back, the good news is that it wasnt very out of alignment but the front right suspension tower was sitting about 8 mm’s too far outwards so it was pulled back to the correct position. First piece of fender going back on, a few small spot welds to keep it in...

Little works of art

Little works of art

I got a package from the US containing the new bushings for the front and rear suspension. They are Polybronze bushings from Elephant Racing and they are absolutely beautiful. The front and rear suspension arms are all cleaned up and ready to go out for mediablasting and powdercoat.

Steering rack overhaul.

Steering rack overhaul.

While the chassis is getting its back straightened I’ve started to fix some of the parts that will go back on it. First out was the steering gear. I had already bought new steering arms from the 911 turbo (930) to go on it and a coupld of washers to move the entire rack upwards...

Curse of previous owners, part II.

Curse of previous owners, part II.

Well after fixing the damage to the front right strut tower I started measuring the front end to see if there was any other damage that I could find. The bottom of the car seemed pretty straight but the front right tower seemed a little off so I’ve hauled the body off to Lars at...