About Mats

  • Lives in Vargön, Sweden.
  • Works as Processing Engineer at Trestad Laser  doing CAD using Solidworks
  • Likes: Driving, Cars in general and Porsche in particular, Photography and Computers


11 thoughts on “About Mats

  1. Mats,

    Jag har en 914 som jag skall plocka isär och renovera, jag vill gärna kommer och se din bil någon gång under sommaren om du har tid?



    1. Mats: Is your 914 utilizing a 2.0 4 cylinder engine because I have never heard one that sounded so good. The SCART muffler is amazing.

      1. Hello Tom and I’m sorry for the late reply, I must have missed the notification from the webpage. Yes it is a four cylinder but its bored and stroked to 2,3 liters. And yes it does sound really good for “just a four” 🙂

  2. Hi Mats,

    I am an Australian living in Stockholm. I have recently imported a 1975 914 2.0 from US. I bought it as a barn find as it had been in storage for over 10 years. It was rebuilt by Chris at Tangerine Racing and had a lot of work done. Now I just want to enjoy it in the Swedish summer.

    Is the a 914 club in Sweden ?
    Are there many 914s driving in Sweden?



    1. Hi Rob.

      There isnt a separate club, most people take part in the Porsche Club of Sweden events.
      We do have a separate facebook group for 914 owners in Sweden. I’ll try to find you on facebook and send you an invite.

    1. Sorry for the late reply. Seems my website doesnt notify me of comments anymore.
      The engine is 160 hp and the longblock is built by Getbackontrack in Denmark.
      The ITB/EFI install I did myself and tuning with help of a friend.

  3. Mats,
    Hello, thanks for all the information. I am going to start a ‘76 2.0 refresh/rebuilt. I was wondering if you purchased the Type 4 fuel injection kit from the dub shop? Or did you find better performance parts elsewhere; if so, what did you find better? I just want to get rid of my Webers & bring it to a strong street/autocross car.

    1. Hello, sorry for the late reply. Today I would totally go with a full dubshop setup. Mario is super to deal with and he can support you when it comes
      to start up settings and such much better when its all parts he knows.

  4. Hello Mats,

    thanks for your cool 914 story. I read it completely and I’m very impressed by your work.
    The engine is very interesting but in Germany perhaps unfortunatly not allowed in combination with the historic road registration.
    I owned a 2.0 from 1973 with D-Jetronic and restored it in the 90s.

    Greetings from Wettenberg

    1. Thank you Peter for taking the time to write a comment. The 914 lives in Germany now as I sold it in 2022. It still uses the engine I had built for it.

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