The curse of previous owners…

The curse of previous owners…


I’ve mentioned before that the cars has been crashed in the right front at some time, today it was time to tackle some of the remains of that. This is what the left strut tower looks like.


…and here’s the right one. It seems that someone at some point thought it would be better to grind out the strut tower to get the correct alignment rather than to fix the car properly. The curse of previous owners rears it ugly head.


Oh well, I had some 2,5 mm sheet metal laying around that would do the trick so I started cutting out the small pieces needed. Took some grinding to get them the right shape and size.


And then weld them into place using my trusty Esab Miggy 125A welder, yes it still works great Stefan. 🙂


Filling in the squarish holes was not that hard, creating a new top lip around the upper edge of the large round hole was a bit more challenging but with lots of measuring, grinding, testfitting and in the end welding in place piece by piece and hammering it into shape between spotwelds I finally got a lip that only differed one mm from the left hand side.

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