Bye bye jack holes

Bye bye jack holes

Already from beginning this build I decided the holes for the stock 914 jack in the sill covers needed to go. So clean up the surrounding area around the holes. Make a patch piece from 1 mm steel. And very carefully tack it into place taking time to cool each spotweld after applying it.

Mediablasting small parts

Mediablasting small parts

Removing the old built-in trashcan compartment in the garage free’d up some usefull space so I could finally get a small mediablasting cabinet and clean up smaller parts myself. The white plastic piping and the watercontainer underneath will together with my shopvac create a simple water filter to keep the dust to a minimum. I’m...

Another small piece of art…

Another small piece of art…

Sometimes things show up for sale that I think “Nah, I wont buy that now, focus on getting the bodywork done and then you can buy nice things….” then there’s times when you click “Buy” before your brain even registers what you are doing. So when a guy called Zack put out a post on...

Undercoat goes on…

Undercoat goes on…

Nothing much to say about it, car will be white again and I found that the white that I originally had decided on (Porsche Glacier white, 3AU) way much to blueish so now I’m back to looking for another shade of white, might go for Porsche Pure white, C9A instead.

Catchup post

Catchup post

Yes, yes I know I suck at updating this regularly… so here’s a big old catchup post on what’s been going on since the last post. New bronze bushings for the pedal assembly. All reassembled and ready to go into the car….some day… Cleaning up the wheelwells wasnt a fun job. But it feels kinda...

More primer

More primer

The front trunk area and fuel tank compartment was all wire brushed and in places where it was hard to to with the brushes I rolled the chassis out on the driveway and mediablasted the nooks and crannies. Yes…outside, spring is finally arriving in Sweden!