Instrument panel and gauges.

Instrument panel and gauges.

Time to deal with the instruments. I wanted a minimal setup so Tachometer, Speedo, Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp and Fuel level was all that was needed. First layout was done in Solidworks. Testing the shape in the car. The tacho and speedo was custom ordered from ETB Instruments in the UK. The smaller gauges are...

Building a Haynes book frame

Building a Haynes book frame

The basic book frame is built from 25×25 square steel tubing. The book uses a thickness of 1,6 mm since I’m using a heavier and more powerfull engine than the books Ford Sierra engine my frame is made with 2 mm thick tubes. Early April had 48 meters of square tubing arrive and also 12...

Introducing Project SuperFive

Introducing Project SuperFive

Hey its 2019 and whats more fun than to build a new car? Right? I have always been fascinated by the Super Seven type of car and especially the build process. I’ve had the books “Build your own sportscar for as little as £250” and “Build your own sports car on a budget” since they...